Wednesday, February 07, 2007

2007 Super Bowl Commercial Awards

I know I'm late doing this, but I've been a bit busy the last few days. Let's get to 'em!

Best: I had a hard time choosing the BEST. There were several I liked, but not one that really rose above all others. Some of my favorites were the Blockbuster Mouse, The Bud Light Ax Murderer, the Snickers Mechanics' Kiss, the Garmin metal-meets-Power Rangers ad, and the Taco Bell Lions pronouncing "carne asada". (I love when the one lion says "Ricardo Montalban?!"). Because of the recent over-reaction to the Snickers ad by gay and lesbian groups, I'm tempted to give the award to it. But because the ending is too silly (they could have executed it better, and probably avoided all the controversy in the process), I'm giving it to the Bud Light Ax Murderer.

Best Overall Campaign:, and their Survivor-like ads.

Most Improved: Emerald Nuts, who thankfully abandoned their incredibly stupid acronym campaign and introduced a mischievous Robert Goulet. Good stuff.

Worst: There were several stinkers: SalesGenie was a lame shortened 80s infomercial, the American Heart Association's snuff film was confounding, and the Jay-Z virtual football commercial really bugged me (because I hate Jay-Z). But the award goes to General Motors and their laid-off robot ad. How oblivious to the plight of thousands of laid-off American auto workers can you get, when you show a robot, partially responsible for the loss of so many jobs, trying to make ends meet in demeaning jobs and finally taking its own life by jumping off a bridge? I was shocked that anyone green-lit that ad. They could have made the perfectionism point in a much better way.