Friday, October 13, 2006

Are you shitting me?!?!

Jim is moving on?!?! He's flirting with another woman?!?! Sure, she's cute, but what about Pam? I'm sure they're setting up some awkward situation where Pam drives to Stamford to declare her love for Jim, and finds him in the arms of his new coworker. Need a season 3 cliff hanger, I guess.

I'm talking about "The Office", of course, but I'll stop the TV talk at that. My cold has moved from sore throat and sinus pressure to an annoying, phlegmy cough that (along with other things) keeps my wife up at night. Thank God it's the weekend, although today's date is rather ominous. Maybe I should avoid any bad luck my ham and turkey sandwich may present and get one of those new Domino's Hot Pockets for lunch*. Don't want to tempt Mama Cass' fate!

What else is on my mind? Watched a flag football game last night, and I'm starting to think I want my sons to play football. Originally my dream was to have them play hockey, but let's face it, hockey's a third class sport (but still my favorite). Football is king, and I've become a huge fan of it over the past few years. Soccer is great, and it's cheap and easy for the kids to play, but football is where all the glory is. Maybe I'll have them play soccer in the spring and hockey in the winter to build their athleticism and coordination, but football in the fall to get them college scholarships. My wife will never go for it, though.

Be careful today, and have a great weekend!

* It's called "Pizza on the Go", and it's like a big calzone. I couldn't find it on Domino's site, so it must be some regional product test they're doing here.