Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Give me Politics and TV

I wasn't much of a campaigner this year, but I'm pretty pleased and impressed with the shift that happened in both houses of Congress. Even if Webb ends up losing to Allen in Virginia, it's a significant change in the Senate. But the Democrats need to be careful. Keep your noses clean. Work hard for change, but recognize that you could cause gridlock with overzealous legislation that will get vetoed again and again. Don't forget, some of the new Dem members are relatively conservative or former Republicans. And then there's the mystery that is Joe Lieberman.

Be constructive. Don't continue harping on Republicans and how bad they are. Just do the job and forget about the soundbite. You've got to face the criticism that you only complain and reject things, but don't have any ideas or plans of your own. Prove that stuff wrong.

One more thing, did you see what Nevada did on their ballots? They took a page out of Montgomery Brewster's playbook and had a "None of the Above" slot for the Senate and Governor races. That's awesome.

I'm a bit behind on show watching this week, but I caught Veronica Mars last night, and it was awesome! I've read some hating going on about the new season, that it's not good like the first season. I haven't seen the first season, so I don't really know, but I hope last night's ep set some of those critics to rest. Neat weekly mystery with good twist, cool new development in the season-long mystery, and great side character story lines with Keith and Wallace. Mya and Elliott back together again!!!

Still need to watch this week's Heroes, so no spoilers, please. And Lost is going to be good, but they're doing the damn Fall Finale thing and going on hiatus until February?!?! That's hella lame! Prisonbreak caught a lot of flack, and lost a lot of viewers, doing that last year.

And anyone know from where I adapted my post title?